Vision in the Bible


There was a non Jew, a gentile, and his name was  Cornelius. Cornelius
lived in Caesaria.  He was a Roman officer who belonged to the Italian
regiment. Cornelius was a very religious man. He had done acts of charity 
and his whole family worshiped God. Cornelius helped even  the poor
Jewish settlers. Cornelius and his whole family constantly prayed to God.
One after noon about three, he had a vision. In that vision an angel came
to him. The angel called him by his name. An angel who stands in
attendance before the mighty God appeared and called him by his name “

 Cornelius stared at the angel in fear and asked the angel “What is it
sir”.  He asked the angel in military terms addressing the angel “sir”. 
Cornelius knew that this man in white robe appeared to him is a superior
person and he addressed the angel with respect and fear. Then the angel
kindly addressed him “Cornelius your prayers are answered”.  The Angel
said in kind words to ease his fear. After easing his fears the angel
praised him specifically about his acts of charity. “God is pleased with
your prayers and acts of charity and God is ready to answer you” Acts
10.8. These very verse speaks about an appreciating God. G! od
appreciated the works of mercy. I think this incident is a reminder to us
to be conscious about the many people who are starving and who go to bed
with an empty stomach this very night while we feast at our table. You
might ask me what to do. I am not to suggest answers about the
possibilities open before your own eyes wherein you could make a big
difference in the lives of the poor people in your neighborhood and even
in your own family. There could be people who are less privileged and we
might be criticizing them for not being industrious like you and me. God,
knowing their disability has installed us as charismatic caregivers to

 We might be able to pray for the less privileged people in our families. 
We might be able to pray for the hungry people. I would say that is a
good gesture. God is inviting us to take another bold step to  make  the
lives of the poor  people worth living. We could save some money from our
sacrifices and fasting.

 Cornelius send his men to fetch Peter. Cornelius send a few of his men
to fetch Peter from Joppa. Peter was to speak to Cornelius. God readied
the people of Joppa for a miraculous outpouring of the Holy Spirit. As
the men from Caesarea arrived looking for Peter in the House of Simon the
tanner of Leather who lived by the sea, Peter was sitting on the roof of
the house, enjoying the vision and he was hungry for food too.

 Peter’s Vision   in Joppa

 Peter didn’t hesitate to climb the roof to pray and he sat there at noon
time. Being on the roof and as he was in prayer, Peter had a vision. In
that vision, God lowered all kinds of animals to a hungry Peter. God
declared that the animals shown to him were clean. God commanded   him to
slaughter and eat them. When peter refused to eat the traditionally
unclean animals God  took him to task “ do not consider anything unclean
what God has declared clean” Acts 10.15.

 While Peter was pondering over the meaning of the vision, the three men
from Cornelius were standing outside his house and were asking for Peter. 
Peter went with them and Peter in his address, mentioned to the Jewish
people in Caesaria, how Jesus  anointed with the Holy Spirit preached to
the people“ and you know  how God poured out on Jesus His Holy Spirit and
power” Acts 10.38. Here we have another mention of the outpouring of the
Holy Spirit on Jesus.

 Another instance of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit

 While Peter was talking to them he had the outpouring of the Holy
Spirit.All the Jewish people who were gathered around Peter were also
anointed likewise. It was unheard  that the gentiles were given the
outpouring of the Holy spirit. They (the gentiles gathered with
Cornelius) heard  Peter and the Jewish people speak in tongues. Yes,
after the incident in Jerusalem, another public occurrence of the people
speaking in tongues in groups.  Peter ordered them to be baptized. Thus
the church is open to the Gentiles. Peter was even questioned for acting
differently and against the traditions of the Jewish people. Peter
explained to the believers in Jerusalem, how he in his vision heard God
asking him to! respect what God has declared clean. Peter related to
them, the vision Cornelius had. God said to Cornelius, “Simon Peter will
speak  words to you by which you and all your family will be saved” Acts
11.14.   Peter shared to the group the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on
the Gentiles. “When I began to speak , the Holy Spirit came down on them
just as on us in the beginning” Acts 11.15

 The Jewish people always believed that salvation is entirely and
exclusively for the Jews. On the other hand, God’s intent was and is
different. God doesn’t discriminate His children. The Jews of that time 
had little  idea  about the universal love of God. They even criticized
Jesus for going into the house of the tax collector.

 The Jewish who didn’t believe that salvation was open to the gentiles
got to revise their attitudes. Peter asked them. If God has chosen the
non believers, “who am I to stop God” Acts 11.17.  Peter always had a
manner of responding quickly in times of crisis. When he was  given
strict orders by the High priest, not to  preach  in the name of Jesus,
Peter responded “We must obey God, not men” Acts.8.29

 The moment Peter finished his discourse, the Jewish people, stopped
criticizing Peter for welcoming the gentiles and allowing them to be
baptized. I think and feel happy at this  great revelation. The Vision of
my God to Peter, changed the level of my own existence. Had this vision
never occurred, I don’t know what would have been my faith and my
existence. Being from India, I have no idea what I would have been at
this time. I could have been a member of a different religion. But I
believe that God predestined us in Jesus. We are given the election in
Jesus our Lord. I thank my God for this joyful election and the vision
given to Peter to open the gates of the Church to everyone.

 Vision and the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

 God has used Vision to communicate through his chosen people, the
members of the Church. The same vision is continued in the church today
through the  Holy men and women. In God’s time all people, regardless of
their intellectual arrogance and skepticism will be humbled by God . A,
God touched moment, is not far from any intellectually arrogant person. I
think I could be a good example of God touching an intelligently arrogant
person.  I do praise and thank God for this great humbling experience.
Through this humbling experience, God brought me down to the earth level.
God made me realize that I am an earthling and allowed me to set foot on
the ground so that I may not falter and or fall as I walk. God humbles us
and holds our hands as we walk. I do praise and thank God for this
wonderful experience to hold hands with God occasionally at lea! st, and
to walk with Him as a young boy walks with his Dad. I do not claim that I
am a visionary. But God touched me and I felt His loving hands gently and
yet powerfully guiding and healing me.

God Bless you

Fr Thomas Mathew/Dec. 11th 2001



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