"Awesome Resume!"

To Whom It May Concern:

I heard you were considering a new manager in your life. I would like to
apply for the job. I believe I am the qualified candidate. I created the
heavens and the earth. I AM. I am the only one that has ever done this job
successfully. I was the first manager of human beings. In fact, I made them.
So, naturally, I know how humanity works, and what is best to get people
back into proper working condition. It will be like having the manufacturer
as your personal mechanic. If this is your first time considering Me, I
would like to point out that the blood of My Son, Jesus, on the cross of
Calvary has already paid my salary.

What I need from you is the acknowledgment that the price is sufficient to
pay for all of your sins and your independence from Me. I need you to
believe this in your heart and to tell somebody else about your decision
with your mouth. The next thing I ask is the right to change and fix your
life, so you can learn how to stay close to Me. I will make some major
changes and revisions. They are not for you to worry about.

I need your permission to execute these changes:
* My way and in My time.

* I will change your desires and give you the strength to make the changes.

* Please keep YOUR hands out of the way. I won't require assistance. Don't
try to help me and don't resist me. I really do need your full commitment
and cooperation. If you give me those, the process can go smoothly, without

My resume is included below.

Sincerely Yours,


ADDRESS: Everywhere (Omnipresent)
PHONE: 1(800) 4U2 - PRAY

* From the beginning of time. Before the beginning of time. * From
everlasting to everlasting. I made time.

* All Powerful! (Omnipotent)

* Created the universe, put the Galaxies in place, formed man.
* Established Heaven and earth by My spoken Word and am currently holding
the world and universe together by My sole power.

* I AM - I AM all Knowledge
* I AM Truth
* I AM Light
* I AM Understanding
* I AM Life
* I AM Love
* I AM The Way - I Am the Good Shepherd - I and the Father 'AM' One,
Love, light and life (1 John 4:16, 1 John 1:5, John 14:6).

A representative, but by no means conclusive, lists of other character
traits are as follows:

* Wisdom - James 1:5
* Comfort - 2 Corinthians 1:3
* Truth - John 8:32
* Healer - 1 Peter 2:24
* Strength - Phil. 4:13
* Forgiveness - 1 John 1:9
* Provider - Phil. 4:19
* Mercy - Ephesians 2:24
* Good - Matt. 19:17
* Peace - Romans 14:17

* Willing and ready to take over your life at a moment notice.
* Able to provide you with salvation and everlasting life.
* Will bring all of who I AM into your life. Can start IMMEDIATELY.
* Available for 24 hrs a day companionship, counseling, guidance, comfort
and consolation to strengthen you and stand with you against all attacks
from the enemy. To renew your mind and spirit, and to transform you into a
creature if you let Me. I will become your life and you will become My body.

* Payment for all work that has and will be accomplished in your life has
already been paid for through the blood of My Son. Your only responsibility
is to Believe and commit, to have Faith and trust and obey what Jesus has
done and wants to do in your life. I look forward to meeting with you

* The Holy Bible (Available Upon Request).

-- Author Unknown.

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