my dear brothers and sisters in Jesus

its been a long time since i put in a mail for joynet so i don't know if all of u 
remember me, but i'm sure some of u do...! i've been very busy with work,but have 
always made a point of checking my mail reading most of my joynet mails. i see there 
has been a stop to the introductions to new joynet it because 
there are so many new members? well please let me take the liberty of introducing two 
newcomers. actually they are not new anymore, but i still want to say something about 

One is Rubina John Kadanthode. Rubina studied her degree in pharmacy in india at SME 
Puthupally and since her parents and the rest of her family is in south africa, (like 
me) she came down here to do her masters. now she is in my university doing her 
masters in research in neuroscience. This is the same course that i am doing too, but 
last year, i was very lonely in terms of not having a fellow JY or a malayalee friend 
in my dept and i had been praying that God would rectify this situation. so u can 
imagine my delight at having her work in the same lab as me and live in the same 
residence (opposite rooms)! we also studied together in the same university though we 
were in different centres. but we are able to relate to each other alot and help each 
other too. So it's really great fun having her around. Rubina is a wonderful person to 
hang out with and i really think u all should get to know her! Rubs, welcome to 
joynet! You can mail rubina at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The next person i'm sure many of you know quite well cuz she's always asking questions 
on joynet! Shija Daniel. Shija is my sweet little sister, who is doing her third year 
(soon will be going into fourth year) in biomedical instrumentational engineering in 
Coimbatore. Avinashlingam University. Shija studied in south africa uptil matric 
(predegree) and then went to india cuz i was still there doing my degree. but after i 
left, she had been quite lonely there and i had been encouraging her to join a prayer 
group. i'm glad that she has found a prayer group in coimbatore that she feels 
comfortable with, and that she is also a member of joynet! i'm also very glad that she 
has found her self some very good friends and she is growing up into a lovely, 
responsible young woman! By the way, shija has a talent for singing so JY's in 
coimbatore, make use of her! :) Please pray for her to be able to grow spiritually in 
the Lord and to develop her God given talents fully. Her id is shija!

okay i think this mail is quite long so i'm going to sign off now! Thanks for reading. 
I just want to take this opportunity to thank all my lovely lovely JY friends who have 
been supporting me thru prayers and encouragement! i love you all so much!

much love in Jesus

sheril daniel   :)

grahamstown, south africa
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