dear joynetters!

long time since i mailed you all! i've been sick for sometime ( i'd rather not go into 
the details!) but thankfully i'm still alive! anyway, remember i put in a prayer 
request for my proposal?! well guess what? i'm still busy with it! :) shortly before 
my deadline i became violently ill (no i was'nt looking for an excuse or pretending to 
be sick) and had to be taken home. i came back only on monday ( this week) and have 
been working on it ever since. 

the good news is, i can see things working out already. i am just claiming the 
promises of Jesus and all your prayers on my behalf. i know everything will work out 
and i just want to give you all a BIG net hug! A big thanks especially to all of you 
who mailed and sent me your love and encouragement. suma i owe you a mail. will get 
back to you soon! :) i will let you all know how things work out. josun, i got your 
mail and i will reply to you as soon as i've sorted out my current work! 

Mathew, thanks for your mail, i hope you got some feedback from Geo. Unfortunately i 
dont' know whats going on around here because i've been away for so long and just got 
back this week. i'll let you know if i get any details of Fr. Thomas's whereabouts. 

by the way, i wouuld like to share a scripture reading and interpretation that i got 
from the net. its beautiful.

lots of love in Jesus

Sheril Daniel

Grahamstown, South Africa

"Therefore do not worry and be anxious." Mathew 6/31

God is vehemently against worry. Jesus preached against it. Paul preached against it. 
The whole Bible preaches against worry because it was designed by Satan to produce 
stress, strain, and death. What are you supposed to do then with all the concerns you 
have about your problems? In 1 Peter 5:7, God says you should "cast them all upon 
Him." All. Not 75 percent of them. Not all of them but the ones about your kids. All 
of them!

Remember, though, God will not take your cares away from you. You have to give them to 
Him. Then you have to replace those worries with the Word. You are the one who has to 
keep your thoughts under control. But you can do it. The Greater One dwells within 
you. He is able to put you over. Commit to it. You'll never have to worry again.
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