u my awesome friends,
it is nice to be back. well life is going on well here
in chicago and i am getting rid off "aussi home sick".
dr. sindu and sunil r taking care of me very well,
recently i had the privillage of meeting some of the
real faces from the cyber world of joy net. they r
from the eastern side of usa. any way it was big
well coming back to suresh's question of eldering,
pastering and counselling,
in catholic charismatic environment and in jesus youth
terms an elder is a spiritually mature person who
takes the responsibility for your spiritual growth
with you. it can be attained by spending quality time
with the elder in prayer and sharing.though it is not
a must that the elder should be older to you in age ,
itis better if the elders are little older to u in
age. also same sex policy is encouraged to make it
more functional and practical. but i hav also seen
opposite sex elders doing wonderful works.the duty of
the elder is to make sure that u r moving in the right
direction in your spiritual journey and also to warn u
the pitt falls and the unseen dangers in the spiritual
rehelm.but here one should not make a commmon mistake
that elders r there to fix your problems and to make
decisions for you. i think one should be responsible
for ones action and accountable for it. it is always
advised that before u choose an elder ask the opinion
of your prayer group leader or some one senior in your
groups.so that u may be able to make a right
selection.since the spiritual growth is an on going
process it is better not to change your elder
frequently unless situation demands it very badly.

pastering: in catholic environment pastering is given
by a catholic priest. here u choose a catholic priest
to guide u and help u in your spiritual
journey.normally this priest can be your confessoer
too. as i mentioned earlier ask and seek the help of
your prayer group leader or some one senior befeore
selecting your paster. it is always advisable to go
for a priest who is familiar with charismatic movement
as he will be able to understand the situations
better.(again it is not absolute and compulsary) some
people take their pastors as their elders and
counselors. there is nothing wrong in doing that if u
r convinced that the priest is capable of doing all
the jobs.

Counselling: (i think what suresh here means is
spiritual counselling as there r variety of
in charimatic terms counselling means seeking the help
of a person who is gifted with gifts and the charisams
of the holy spirit. people may go for this counselling
in order to seek the will of God over certain problems
or situations. people may also seek counselling when
they r in crisis or want to experience and feel the
guidence of the Lord in a special way. one should not
make the mistake here that  a charimatic counsellor is
a fortune teller telling u what is going to happen in
the future.the gift of counselling should be used for
building the kingdom of God in individuals and in
communities.one shold be care ful in selecting the
counsellor. also he/she is not there to make decisions
on behalf of u. many people take their elders as their
counsellor due to practical reasons.

well all what i said is from my last 10 yeras of
experience in charismatic and jesus youth movement. i
do not claim that what i hav written is absolute and
perfect. u r all encouraged to add more to it if u hav
some thing more to say. also u hav the right to
disagree with any thing i hav mentioned.  
lov u all heaps
smile jesus loves u
jos mathew chicago



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