On May 4, 6:47 am, Brandon Aaron <brandon.aa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Looking for any feedback on #3699 before committing, which is for allowing
> an alternative scope for events. There is a patch attached to the ticket.
> The ticket actually proposes a method signature that doesn't really fit
> jQuery's style. I added a patch that allows the following call signature
> instead.
> $(...).bind("type", fn, scope);
> $(...).bind("type", data, fn, scope);
> This also applies to .one() and .live().
> The patch utilizes the internal event.proxy method with a tweak to include
> an optional scope.

I think that the best way to control "scope" of callback isn't this
because it requires a lot of change of core code.
With my plugin (http://code.google.com/p/jquerycallback) you can
control scope (and custom parameters) without alter any other jquery
methods. This plugin create a temporary closure that permits to set
custom scope.

I hope to read some feedback from you
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