I've run into a number of gnarly issues in IE 8 and earlier where
jQuery leaves a residual alpha filter on elements after fading them
back in. Some of the IE bugs are annoying like odd aliasing around
text, etc. This morning though I came across a really nasty bug
whereby it seemed like IE was locking up. The actual issue was very
unintuitive. Here is a great description of it that I ultimately


What I propose is when the value of the alpha filter reaches 100, it
would be great if jQuery could just remove the filter entirely. This
way it would only have issues when fading out or set to specific
values. If it were to start completely opaque and then fade-out and
back in then this wouldn't be an issue at all.

That alone would be a huge win for jQuery on IE.

BTW, I've experienced this in jQuery 1.3.x and 1.4rc1.
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