
My company has just created a little flash/jQuery widget:

It works fine across Firefox, WinIE 6+ (*) and Opera, but fails in
Safari (2).

To check it wasn't the flash, I've included a 'disable flash' link at
the top. You are then left with some standard links which have an
onclick added .

These links should also use the Ajax (and do in other browsers), but
they don't work in Safari, it ignores the event and just loads the
page normally. (Which is a good fall back, but not what should

The only similar issue I can find in the archive is loading external
libaries, but unless I've misread this isn't an external library?

Any pointers would be appreciated...

The AJAX function is called from replaceMainContent, and the click is
added from the flashReplace function. The non-minised version is here:


* For some reason the jQuery added "Case studies" link in the
breadcrumbs does not send the correct user agent header in WinIE, and
despite error correction it takes a while to load.

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