There's a new png and the link in the css needs to be adjusted

On Mar 19, 11:37 pm, dsizemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to get Thickbox set up on my site for my "login" and
> "forgot password" forms. Once clicked, these two links will open a
> Thickbox allowing the user to login or reset their password. I'm using
> AJAX Content on the Thickbox example page for 
> this:
> The site I'm working on is here:
> Problem 1: The problem comes into effect on IE7 and seemingly no other
> browser that I've tested. If you browse to my test site above and then
> click "login" from the top right header area a Thickbox window pops
> up. If you close this window (without trying to login) and once that
> Thickbox window closes, you go click on "forgot password" and just
> watch what happens to this Thickbox window. It comes up showing the
> TB_Title field twice. This only happens when you click one link that
> brings up a Thickbox window and then close and then open up another.
> If you open one and then close and then refresh and then open up
> another link, thickbox is fine.
> Also, I've discovered that this only happens with the AJAX Content
> example from the Thickbox examples page. If I use an IFrame, this does
> not happen. The only reason I'm not using an IFrame is because I
> cannot figure out how, once "submit" is clicked on the login form or
> forgot password form, that I can close the thickbox and reload the
> original page so that the user is logged in. When I use an IFrame with
> the login form, after submit is clicked, the user gets the
> confirmation message that they logged in successfully and then it
> opens up the homepage inside of the thickbox IFrame rather than
> closing it. So... if someone has any pointers there too, I'm all ears.
> 2. Last thing I've noticed is that in FireFox on Mac, when Thickbox is
> loaded, the dark gray overlay in the background of the thickbox does
> not load. It just stays transparent, but the thickbox still functions
> correctly, just not overly in the background.
> Thoughts on how to fix these?
> Thanks

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