I think you should try just passing the function name as the second
parameter, instead of adding () after it.  () will cause the function
to execute right away.  So:

 function visibleFadeIn()
         jQuery('#visible').fadeIn(2000, visibleFadeOut);


 function visibleFadeOut()
         jQuery('#visible').fadeOut(2000, visibleFadeIn);


// Starts the loop

On Aug 27, 11:16 pm, FCCS <brard.pie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to build a simple "fadeIn" - "fadeOut" loop on a div, but I
> get an infinite recursion the way I do it :
> // + Code
> function visibleFadeIn()
> {
>         jQuery('#visible').fadeIn(2000, visibleFadeOut());
> }
> function visibleFadeOut()
> {
>         jQuery('#visible').fadeOut(2000, visibleFadeIn());
> }
> // Starts the loop
> visibleFadeIn();
> // - Code
> There must be another way to deal with this, does someone have a
> suggestion ?
> Thank you very much,

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