[jQuery] Re: manipulate xml in IE6 isn't compatible?

2007-06-18 Thread Andrew G.
I have the same problem. Even very simple example doesn't work in IE6 For example, I try the following code $.get(test.xml,function(xml){ var text = $(control,xml).text(); alert(text); }); my XML file is as follows: controls controla/control /controls and when I run my code

[jQuery] Not english characters in the ajax parameters

2007-05-10 Thread Andrew G.
Hello, everyone I have a problem with not english characters. I've created with jquery google-like search-suggest and it works perfect with englesh characters. But if I want to search not englasi words, e.g. spanish, search doesn't work correct.

[jQuery] Re: Not english characters in the ajax parameters

2007-05-10 Thread Andrew G.
Thanks, SeVIR for quick answer. The problem is that php cannot decode the result of JavaScript encodeURIComponent which JQuery uses. The soultion is to create your own function that replace such characters as ?,:, etc. Maybe you know more right way?