I am having a little problem and am new to jquery.  Is there something
of a page load function that is only called on an actual reload of the
page?  I am using hidden divs on my page that are shown with the click
of a button.  Shown below:

            url: "image_browser.aspx",
            cache: false,
             success: function(html){
        $("#btnCancel").click(function() {
            divEditDiv.contentEditable = false;
        $("#btnEdit").click(function() {
            divEditDiv.contentEditable = true;

The problem I am having is that in firefox, acfter the .click function
is called, it will automatically go through the .hide at the top as
well, therefore rendewring the function pointless.  I can't figure out
how to make the :


not load everytime I click the edit button.  Any ideas?  This code
works perfectly in ie (that's a first for me, usually its the other
way around).

Any nudge in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

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