Maybe you could run an effect on all images at load time to have a
transparency value say 99%, then use the transparency 100% on hover?

On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 2:43 PM, dnagir <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Just wondering if there's some effect in JQ that we can use to
> simulate rollover.
> Usually when user hovers a mouse over a link/image it changes its src/
> background to another one (for example arrow.png -> arrow_o.png).
> So users feels like it is highlighted or similar.
> But we always must have 2 images (similar ones). Maybe there's some
> effect that can simulate this highligting/hover for user so we don't
> need to have 2 images.
> I understand it will never be as good as alternative image, but still.
> Thanks,
> Dmitriy.

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