Can you just use the Fading Effects, ?

I'm not sure you need a plug-in to do what you want.

On Jan 6, 10:15 am, Bromide <> wrote:
> Hello,
> Does any plug-in like this exist?:
> I have several <div>'s on a page.
> There is a menu on the page that corresponds with each <div>.
> Initially, there should only be one <div> showing.
> When the user clicks a menu item, the corresponding <div> fades in.
> When the user clicks another menu item, the current <div> fades out
> and the new <div> fades in without a cross fade. The existing <div>
> should fade out completely before the new <div> fades in.
> I went through the plug-ins list and found some that almost did this,
> but not quite.
> Thanks for your help.

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