This issue is giving me a lot of trouble.  Here's the scenario:

I have a tab (using jQuery's Tabs) called "Student Schedule" and a tab
called "Administrator Schedule."  Both tabs call the same
calendar.php, and calendar.php includes some jQuery to get calendar
days to alter their color and clickability depending on if the script
is called by the "Student Schedule" tab or the "Administrator
Schedule" tab.

And it works really well.

But here's where it gets weird.

Let's say you refresh the browser, then click on the "Administrator
Schedule" tab.  A calendar is generated.  Everything functions

You then click on the "Student Schedule" tab.  A calendar is
generated.  Again, everything functions normally.

Now you click again on the "Administrator Schedule" tab.  Everything
LOOKS good--all the Javascript related to the colors of the calendar
days and the mouseover actions work--but the scheduling links don't
work!  You can see the hyperlink pop up in the status window in the
browser's chrome, but no action--like a "return false" action is set
on the click.

So now you click back on the "Student Schedule" tab, thinking its
hyperlinks won't work, either, since it's coming from the same
script... but they work perfectly!

In other words, visiting the "Student Schedule" tab somehow puts a
"return false" on ONLY the click function of the "Administrator
Schedule" tab content, even though both tabs call the same
calendar.php content and script!

I've tried everything I can think of.  I've even used the Deobfuscator
plug in for Firefox to print out the JavaScript functions that get
called in each tab to compare them side-by-side, as like a "before and
after" comparison to see if anything changes in the way the
"Administrator Schedule" sees the script after visiting the "Student
Schedule" tab, but the code is identical.


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