I have been trying to over 3 weeks to write this without success. So far I have found swapImage (http://code.google.com/p/jquery-swapimage) that works well to replace images, and bannerSwapper (http:// plugins.jquery.com/project/BannerSwapper) that pre-loads limited images and does the swap with fade in/out effect, but I really need a function that combines the two and allows the default image to fade in and out using hover() (http://docs.jquery.com/Events/hover#overout) I know it is possible, how close I am getting remains to be seen...
Example: $.('#menu > img').hover( function(){//on mouseover $(this).fadeOut('img[1]',100,swapImageIn); $(this).fadeIn('img[2]',100); } function(){//on mouseout $(this).fadeOut('img[2]',100, swapImageBack); $(this).fadeIn('img[1]',100); } )} swapImageIn(){ $(this).replaceWith(img2); } swapImageBack(){ $(this).replaceWith(img1); } <a href="#" class="swapper"><img src="image1.gif" {src="image2.gif"} / ></a> to fade out, swap and fade new image back in. Any help in the right direction would be great, I'm nearly at my wit's end (and my wit is getting nervous ;) Thanks in advance, Cris D.