Does noone have a solution to this...?

Hey guys, I'm working on a "status"-Updater. It works, there is just
one problem, after sending a Status I have to manual reload the page
to let the script work again. Do you can help me please? Here's the

<script language="javascript">
       var s_autor     =       $('#s_autor').attr('value');
       var s_status    =       $('#s_status').attr('value');
               type: "POST",
               url: "/admin/request.php",
               data: "s_autor="+ s_autor +"& s_status="+ s_status,
               success: function(){
("slow", function(){
                                       $(function() {
("slow", 0.01, function(){
(this).slideUp("slow", function() {
                               }, 2000);
       return false;

So do you know how to code it to make it possible to repeat the script
how often I click on the submit button?

By the way, here's the HTML-Form:

<form id="status_form" method="post" action="request.php"
onsubmit="return false;">
   <input type="text" id="s_autor" name="s_autor" value="<?=
$user_id; ?>" style="display: none;" /><input type="text"
id="s_status" name="s_status" value="Statusnachricht" /><input
type="submit" value="" class="submit" id="status_submit" />

Well, the file "request.php" is looking like this (in the moment!):
<div class="inhalt"><div class="text">Erfolgreich eingetragen!</div></
div> The PHP-Part is coming up. I want to reach that if I click on the
submit-Button, the jquery-code works. Well, it works, but just ONE
TIME. After clicking the first time on the submit-button, the script
SHOULD work like it did the first time. But if I click on the submit
button the second time, nothing works. Anyway: I want the script work
as often I click on the submit button.... Hope you understand me. My
english is not the best... (I'm german...)

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