I just wrapped up a project and thought I'd share some solutions to
problems I encountered since they seem to be fairly common. To give an
overview, I was working on a landing page where I used lightbox to
display samples of application screenshots as well as a menu in the
right column that had collapsible and expandable content. The three
things I set out to fix were:

1. A conflict in my .js files
2. Toggling a button graphic on click
3. Getting the first nav item in my menu to fade in and expand on load

The files I used were:

jquery-1.3.2.min.js  (http://jquery.com)
mootools.js  (http://mootools.net)
lightbox.js  (http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox2/)

Here are the solutions I came up with:

1. Conflicting FIles - After some reading I looked for things that may
be called by both .js files. I noticed that 'hide' was used in both
the jquery  and mootools scripts. I changed all instances of 'hide' to
'hideit' in the jquery script as well as the inline code in my html
file. Also the '$' function seemed to cause problems, so someone
suggested using 'j$' for all instances of the '$' in my jQuery script
and in my html page.

2. Toggling - A tricky thing I ran into was that my button didn't use
an anchor tag for the action to expand and collapse but a div class
called "slide" instead. In my ready function I added:

// toggle slide button on click
        j$('.slide').click(function() {

This changes the class from "slide" to "slideDown." The slide class
has a background image in my CSS with a down arrow and the slideDown
class has... you guessed it, a background image with an up arrow

3. Getting the first nav menu item to expand and fade in on page load
was more complex than I originally thought. After reading
documentation on the jQuery site (http://docs.jquery.com) I found what
I was looking for, the find expression. By finding the id for my
navMenu I was able to get the desired effect.


At first every menu item was opening but by using :first(0), I was
able to ONLY target the first instance of 'view'. I assumed view:first
would do the same thing, but by adding position (0) you get the
specificity you need.

I hope someone can learn from this and avoid the hours I spent looking
for answers. I'm pretty new to jQuery and javascript so if something
could be done easier or with best practices feel free to speak up.
Also, if I refer to something incorrectly please let me know.

Erik Wallace

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