i am using jquery-1.2.6.js and jquery.panFullSize.js two js file to
Zoon and Pan image.

here is my html,
<a href="#" id="zoom">Zoom</a>
<img src="testimage.jpg" alt="finnish winter" width="600" border="0"
usemap="#mypicMap"  id="mypic" style="border: medium solid black" />

here is my javascript,
$("img#mypic").panFullSize(700, 450).css("border", "medium solid

what i am trying, if i click on the image(mousedown <200 microsecond )
it will zoom in / out (toggle) as zoom hyperlink working. and if i drag
(mousedown >200 microsecond ) the image then it will pan as pan

please help in this coding ASAP. i am waiting for your help

thanks in advance

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