I know, not possible to do without hidden iframe hacks and such and there already exists a couple of extensions which add this functionality by abstracting these hacks out of our sight... however, I ran across this article here:
http://igstan.blogspot.com/2009/01/pure-javascript-file-upload.html Which talks about doing it in pure AJAX only in FF3, he gives source code to do this, however I was wondering if this sort of functionality was already possible or could be mimicked using the jQuery.ajax object. The reason I ask is because I'm interested in developing a Ubiquity (http://labs.mozilla.com/2008/08/introducing-ubiquity/) command which would upload a local file to a web service... and Ubiquity is only for FF and includes the jQuery library in their namespace. If this isn't currently possible, is anyone interested in helping me to extend jQuery with this functionality and submit for inclusion in a future version? I'm pretty new to the contributing to open source community and don't know the best practices for getting and submitting new source code to an open project. Thanks a lot. - Gooseus