I've discovered something of a 'bug'...  I have a page which generates
a $.ajax() call with type: "POST", dataType: 'script', .... This works
great in FF & IE, but fails miserably in Opera (I'm using 9.24)..

At first I thought jQuery just wasn't able to send POST commands in
Opera (jQuery Forms sent my form as a GET..).. I've played with
variations and it seems that it is the dataType: 'script' that is
hanging me up. I change this to anything else and it gets the code. Of
course the problem is I'm sending more javascript and want it

I would like to be able to support Opera browsers, and I'm curious
what to do to make that happen? I've been trying to search for info on
this and can't find anything. I also can't find any references to this
as a known bug.



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