Just a quick question. I'm trying to combine mutliple tablesoter
options but I'm not able to combine the functions. I'm new to the
Jquery/Javascript arena and haven't been able to find any examples on
the web.

Part 1

$(document).ready(function()  {
          headers: {
             1: {sorter: false}

Part 2

$(document).ready(function() {
   $("#RankAndHeight").click(function() {
                var sorting = [[0,0],[2,0]];
              return false;

I've attempted to use them separately in the same js file but it
caused an odd echo effect. I would click any column to sort and it
would perform the action twice as if I double clicked it.

Here was my merge attempt where neither effect worked:
$(document).ready(function()  {
          headers: {
             1: {sorter: false}

            $("#RankAndHeight").click(function() {
                 var sorting = [[0,0],[2,0]];
                 return false;

Any ideas?

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