[jQuery] Re: Jquery .load() can't load style and js in html file on Safari and Chrome??

2008-09-09 Thread Jove
This is a solution about style, but how about js in loaded page?

[jQuery] Re: Jquery .load() can't load style and js in html file on Safari and Chrome??

2008-09-09 Thread Jove
any idea?

[jQuery] $(xx).load can't load css and js in html file on Chrome??

2008-09-08 Thread JOVE
Hi all, I use $(xx).load to load a html file that has its own css and js, on IE and Firefox, it work good, but on Google Chrome, it can't load css and js in the html file, how can I fix it? example: subpage.htm: html script type=text/javascript alert( Hello World ); /script style

[jQuery] $(xx).load can't load css and js in html file on Chrome??

2008-09-08 Thread JOVE
Hello all, I use $(xx).load to load a html file that has its own css and js, on IE and Firefox, it works fine, but on Google's Chrome, I found that it can't load css and js in the html file. how can I fix it ? subpage.htm: style type=text/css . /style div/div in IE and Firefox:

[jQuery] Re: $(xx).load can't load css and js in html file on Chrome??

2008-09-08 Thread Jove
I' sorry, xx just a example, in actually I'm using $ (#content).load(), but the point of this topic is about .load() on Chrome.

[jQuery] Jquery .load() can't load style and js in html file on Safari and Chrome??

2008-09-08 Thread Jove
Hello all, I use $(#mydiv).load() to load a html file that has its own style and js, on IE and Firefox, it work good, but on Safari and Google Chrome, it can't load style and js in the html file, how can I fix it? example: MainPage.htm html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; head meta