I'm not sure if anyone can help me with this issue, but I'll put it
out there and see.  I have a page that displays a company's
information along with a list of the contacts for that company.  There
could be anywhere from 0 to infinity number of contacts, and each one
has an 'Edit' button to allow the user to edit that contacts
information.  When the user clicks the edit button, a box with a form
pops up (jQuery Impromptu) with the information.

The issue that I am having is that when the user goes on to click
another contacts edit button, the popup will double each time.  For
example, if the user has already click 1 time, and clicks a second
time, there will be 2 forms.  On the 3rd click there will be 4 forms,
and so on.

Here is a snippet of my code:
  <td><input type="checkbox"></td>
  <td>Lucas Hibbard</td>
  <td><a href="#">BLAH</a></td>
    <a class="edit" id="cContactEdit" rel="1" href="">edit</a>
    <a class="delete" id="cContactDelete" rel="1" href="">delete</a>
  <td><input type="checkbox"></td>
  <td>Ed Orsini</td>
  <td><a href="#">BLAH</a></td>
    <a class="edit" id="cContactEdit" rel="2" href="">edit</a>
    <a class="delete" id="cContactDelete" rel="2" href="">delete</a>

  $(".edit").click(function(e) {
    var action = this.id;
    if (action == 'cContactEdit') {
      var id = this.rel;
      $.get(base_url + 'index.php/ajax/edit/cContact/' + id, function
(data) {
        $.prompt(data, {
          callback: saveContactEdit,
          buttons: { Save: true, Cancel: false }

Please help!  If you need more information, just let me know.

Thank you,

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