What is the best way to integrate https://access.e-mis.co.uk/ within my 
site? At the present, users are simply given a link to the site and that 
is it, but I was wondering if it will be possible to open this link 
within a Modal, then the user logs in, makes the appointment... updates 
their records etc... and when they are finished they close the Modal.

I have tried the jqModal example, but if I replace:

<script type="text/javascript">
$().ready(function() {
    $('#ex2').jqm({ajax: 'jqModal.html', trigger: 'a.ex2trigger'});


<script type="text/javascript">
$().ready(function() {
    $('#ex2').jqm({ajax: 'https://access.e-mis.co.uk', trigger: 

I simply get a gray box and the content is not returned.

The goal is to make it transparent to the user that they are actually 
leaving the original site.

Thank you for any advise or suggestions.


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