I believe I have a similar problem! Seriously bugging me out… probably
not the answer you where looking for though :)

I managed to find what it is IE doesn't like:
append: function() {
                return this.domManip(arguments, true, function(elem){
                        if (this.nodeType == 1)
                                this.appendChild( elem );
more specifically "this.appendChild( elem );"

Line 255 jQuery 1.3.2

My JS:

jQuery(function() {
        $("#loadData").click(function ()
                $(this).text("...Hämtar adress...");
                $("#AJAX").append('<div id="adress"></div>')
                .load("php/get_addr_php.php?pno=" + document.form.pno.value,
function ()
                $.get("php/get_addr_xml.php?pno=" + $("input#pno").val(), 
                                var persInfo = data.split(";");
                return false;
        $("#add").click(function ()
                        $(this).text("...Laddar beställlningsstatus...");
                        $("#formStatus").append('<div id="status"></div>')
                        .load("php/sendOrder.php?pno=" + $("input#pno").val() + 
"&Epost=" +
$("input#Epost").val() + "&qty=" + $("input#qty").val(), function ()
                        return false;

I'll debug some more tomorrow and get back… sleep :)

On Mar 2, 6:35 am, frodosghost <jamesmon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> From what I have seen, I have run into a fun error to get. It seems
> that something to do with my jquery is breaking IE, but I cannot find
> out what it is. So far the code works fine in every other browser,
> except IE. Of course, to make it more confusing, jquery on some
> previous pages does work, just when we get here some conflict occurs
> and nothing works.
> So, I guess first question, does anyone have a way to debug IE
> excecuted jquery? Something like Firebug for IE?
> Secondly, I have some code here which is the one failing - I guess the
> easy way for me is just to ask, and see what you guys say. Obviously
> it is annoying... Any help would be appreciated.
> $(document).ready(function(){
>   $.variables = {};
>   $('[id^=credit]').change(function() {
>     $.variables = {thing : this};
>     var thing = this;
>     $.ajax({
>       type: "POST",
>       url: "/credits/edit",
>       data: $(this).serialize(),
>       beforeSend: function(){
>         $( "#" + $([$.variables.thing]).attr('id')).append('<img
> id="savespin" src="/images/ajax-loader.gif" />');
>       },
>       success: function(html) {
>         $( "#" + $([$.variables.thing]).attr('id')).append(html).hide
> ().fadeIn(1500);
>         $( ".F" + $([$.variables.thing]).attr('id')).append(html);
>         $( "." + $([$.variables.thing]).attr('id')).fadeIn(1500);
>       },
>       complete: function(){
>         $("#savespin").remove();
>       }
>     });
>   });
>   $('[id^=UserId]').change(function() {
>     if($('#UserId :selected').val() == 'Add'){
>       $.variables = {newUser : '<br /><input name="data[User]
> [fullname]" size="30" onfocus="this.value=\'\'; this.onfocus=null;"
> value=" Their full name..." maxlength="128" id="UserFullname"
> type="text"><br /><input name="data[User][email]" size="30"
> onfocus="this.value=\'\'; this.onfocus=null;" value=" Their email
> address..." maxlength="128" id="UserEmail" type="text">'};
>       $("#newAssoc").append($.variables.newUser);
>     } else {
>       $("#newAssoc").empty();
>     }
>   });
>   $('[class^=Fcredit]').change(function() {
>     $.variables = {JobTitle : this};
>     $.ajax({
>       type: "POST",
>       url: "/credits/add_tag",
>       data: $(this).serialize(),
>       beforeSend: function(){
>         $( "." + $([$.variables.JobTitle]).attr('id') ).find
> (".submitter").empty().append('<img id="savespin" src="/images/ajax-
> loader.gif" />');
>       },
>       success: function(html) {
>       },
>       complete: function(){
>         //$("#savespin").remove();
>         $( "." + $([$.variables.JobTitle]).attr('id') ).find
> (".submitter").empty().append('<img src="/images/default-
> gravatar20.gif" alt="sumbit" />');
>       }
>     });
>   });
> });

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