Hey Andy, I just looked on that page and near the bottom on the comments, I
found this

This plugin is currently incompatible with jQuery 1.2.x. To make it
compatible, replace .each(function() { $.dequeue(this, "fx"); }) with .stop()
around line 84-85.

I haven't tried it, let us know if it works.

On Dec 12, 2007 11:21 PM, Andy Matthews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm really wanting to use Ganeshki's excellent LavaLamp plugin (http://
> www.gmarwaha.com/blog/?p=7) but it appears that it doesn't work with
> the most current stable release of jQuery.
> Does anyone know if there's an updated release somewhere that meets
> the 1.2.x requirement? Or is there an alternate menu which gives the
> same effect?

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