John, I slapped this modified version of my test page together in a
couple minutes:

jQuery.html() seems to perform pretty terribly, to be honest. The
15,000 element "destroy & create" test in IE7, for example, is over
500 times slower than replaceHtml (around 104141ms vs. 203ms). Am I
doing something wrong? (I've never used jQuery before, so I apologize
if I'm making some stupid mistake.)

--Steven Levithan

On Sep 12, 3:16 pm, "John Resig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You're in luck! jQuery already pre-empties an element inside .html().
> Calling .html() actually does:
>   .empty().append("html string");
> Although, there's a lot of other issues at play inside .append() in
> order to make it work cross browser, so those innerHTML benefits have
> probably be nullified in the meantime.
> --John
> On 9/12/07, Felix Geisendörfer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  Here is an interesting blog post that I came across:
> >
> >  The synopsis basically is that one can gain dramatic speed improvements on
> > setting innerHTML when removing items that are going to be overwritten using
> > DOM methods before inserting stuff via innerHTML.
> >  I could see how this would be a need addition to jQuery.
> >  -- Felix
> > PS: If you like regex make sure to subscribe to this guys blog, he has some
> > mad skills going on.
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