[jQuery] jQuery, AdSense, wrap, and Firefox 2 3 Problems

2008-10-14 Thread Tobin - Cupidslab.com
Hey All, I have a weird problem going on with jQuery, adsense, and wrap in firefox 2 3. It seems that when I try to wrap a div with my adsense code in it, the adsense code makes the page blank. The page loads, but quickly gets overwritten by a blank page. My html: div class=wrapthis script

[jQuery] JQuery countdown problom

2008-08-25 Thread Tobin
I have wirted a countdown code like this: jQuery.extend({ buildprocess: function(seconds,target,json) { var self=this; $(#+target).append(li id=\bing_+json.t+_+json.c +\+json.t+json.l+levelspan id=\bing_+json.t+_+json.c+_1\/ span/li) var ___timer=setInterval(CountDown,1000)

[jQuery] JQuery countdown problom

2008-08-25 Thread Tobin
I have writed a function like this jQuery.extend({ buildprocess: function(seconds,target,json) { var self=this; $(#+target).append(li id=\bing_+json.t+_+json.c +\+json.t+json.l+level span id=\bing_+json.t+_+json.c +_1\/span/li) var ___timer=setInterval(CountDown,1000)