hi, I am doing a form.ajaxSubmit, the response of which is content type text/javascript that will be eval'ed on the client. The ajaxSubmit uses the post method to post the form values. The server does a redirect by sending http response 302 and the new URL redirected to, returns the above text/javascript. For some reason, on Firefox, the javascript response is not eval'ed. This works fine on IE.
So has anyone encountered this problem of how jquery form.ajaxSubmit behaves on an http 302 redirect? I passed the appropriate ajax options object to the ajaxSubmit function but none of them got called either. The ajax options set were: $(form).ajaxSubmit({beforeSubmit: function (){alert ('before submit');}, error: function () {alert ('error'); console.log ('error');}, complete:function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) {alert ('completed'); console.log ('complete');}, success:function() {console.log ('success'); alert ('Thanks for submitting');}});} thanks, -vinod