About the jQuery Media Plugin ( http://www.malsup.com/jquery/media/ ),
there is bug in the "getSettings" function.

Here is the problem codes shown below:

    var w = meta.width  || parseInt(((cls.match(/w:(\d+)/)||[])[1]||
    var h = meta.height || parseInt(((cls.match(/h:(\d+)/)||[])[1]||

In the Options documentation, you are using "width:" and "height:" as
the option name.  The above code just parse "/w" and "/h" that is
wrong.  The right code is shown below:

    var w = meta.width  || parseInt(((cls.match(/width:(\d+)/)||[])
    var h = meta.height || parseInt(((cls.match(/height:(\d+)/)||[])


Also, when parsing options from class also can't parse 'autoplay'
option.  I also added two lines of code in it.  Shown blow:

        var a = meta.autoplay || parseInt(((cls.match(/autoplay:(\d+)/)||[])
        if (a) meta.autoplay = a;

I think maybe other options are not parsed.  Hope the plugin author
can fix it.


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