Hey group,
I've been battling with this all day.  any help would be appreciated.
I'm quite new a jQuery so it could be something obvious and simple.

also, feel free to give me any advice related to the rest of my code
if you feel compelled.

what i'm doing is, loading via $.ajax, pages on my server and
populating my main div "contentcenter" with the returned html.

without pasting a bunch of confusing code on here.. I think the
problem boils down to this.

if the returned page is to have a submenu then the returned html
<div id='pagemenu'>
<li class='menuitem'>submenuitem1</li>
<li class='menuitem'>submenuitem2</li>

after I run
$("#contentcenter").html(html)        **html being the html returned
from the requested page to the ajax call
and set the innerHTML to the returned html string

when i then use:

to try and find out if the page has a submenu..
FF returns correctly (read: what I expect) and IE7 does not.

any ideas?
I've burned up the better part of the day trying to figure this out.


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