I'm having trouble because I have a site where entire pages are loaded
through ajax, and I want all the jquery plugins/code that I have to
apply to the loaded content.

For example:
I have a jQuery slideshow plugin, a spelling checker, a richtext
editor that changes all the elements with .rte class to turn into
richtext editors, and some jquery code that looks for any div with
class .hideme and hides them. A total of 5 js files and some randomly
generated js in the header. How can I make it so ALL of those things
apply to the new ajax loaded content?

I already know I can use a callback function in load() to include
specific js into the new ajax content:

Var myfunc = function(){ alert(‘hello’); }
$(‘#main-content’).load(‘newpage.php’, ‘’, ‘myfunc’);

But I can’t think of a way to make it work for all the different
plugins/js I have. I also know that I can use the new live() method to
create jquery code that applies to new ajax content but I don’t want
to rewrite entire jquery plugins to use live()...

How can I get my ajax loaded content to make use of all the plugins/
other js code in the header?


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