The sample provided isnt clear at all

On 24 abr, 10:09, Donny Kurnia <> wrote:
> oi_antz wrote:
> > I'm trying to ajaxify my application, which requires submitting forms
> > via $.post or $(form).ajaxSubmit. Problem I'm having with $.post is
> > thatfilefields don't work. So I use $(form).ajaxSubmitand my
> > response text is something like this:
> > {
> >     '_JS':'/* javascript code to evaluate, contains escaped quotes
> > (\") */',
> >     '_CONTENT' : '<!-- html code containing escaped quotes and stuff --
> >> '
> > }
> > The callback tries JSON.parse(responseText), but I am finding all my
> > \" characters inside data members _JS and _CONTENT have been converted
> > to html entities. I guess this is because the jquery form plugin is
> > using a custom html element for xhr and firefox converts quotes found
> > inside quotes to html entities.
> > Is there a way to configure the form plugin to use XMLHttpRequest, or
> > another method that doesn't tamper with the responseText?
> Are you using malsup's form plugins? In the server side processing, the
> json response must wrapped inside <textarea></textarea>. You can see the
> the example php page in malsup's site.
> Fileupload didn't submitted via XMLHttpRequest, but via hidden iframe.
> That's why you need to wrap it inside <textarea> so jQuery can parse the
> response json.
> --
> Donny Kurniahttp://hantulab.blogspot.com

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