Hi there,

I'm working on a header that display a slideshow and at the same time
use the fadeTo() effect; the behavior of this header is as follow:

1) Once the page is load display slideshow 50% transparency and hide
2) When user hover header fade slideshow and navigation to 100%
3) The user can now use the slideshow because the navigation is
4) When user hover out of the header back to slideshow 50% and
navigation 0%

Well, this kind of work right now but I've noticed a couple of bugs:

1) When hover out the fadeOut is not instantly.
2) If you hover over and stop the cursor (still over header) and then
move it after 2 sec the hover out if fired. I was taking the pageY and
although the header is around 85px height the pageY was over 900px :(
3) If you use the slider and then hover out, sometimes the mouseout
event is not fired

I don't know where else to check and I hope some of you can help me
here. For your convenience I have simplified the code and set a demo
over here: http://sandbox.altrugon.com/

Thanks in advance for all your help guys.

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