[jQuery] Re: noconflict using mootools-slimboxtooltips

2008-06-27 Thread andyGr
I did it 100s of times and it works perfectly. Try this: 1) add var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); just after you load the main jquery library 2) replace all the instances of $ to $j in your script and in all plugins that you use That's it:clap: -- View this message in context:

[jQuery] Combination of several filters

2008-06-26 Thread andyGr
Hi All, Here is a simple code: var cl = $j(input[class='inputbox'][value='']).parent().parent().filter(tr[class^='comdebt'][class!='comdebt1 specify1'][class!='comdebt2 specify2'][class!='comdebt3 specify3']).attr('class'); as you can see I need to deselect tr with classes ended with

[jQuery] Re: Selecting elements with multiple classes

2008-06-03 Thread andyGr
Yes, it is the way how it works. I have managed to do it as $(tr[class^='child']) Which selects all classes like class=child test class=child test2 etc However, if you make it as $(tr.child), nothing will be selected. Tried and tested many times... -- View this message in context:

[jQuery] Select option value

2008-06-02 Thread andyGr
Hi All, Here is a simple code: select onchange=specify(this) ... option./option option./option .. option./option /select How can I get the value of the selected option? I tried function specify(current){ var spName = $j(current+ option:selected).val();

[jQuery] Re: Select option value

2008-06-02 Thread andyGr
This seems to be a better one: function specify(current) { alert( $j(current).children([EMAIL PROTECTED]).val() + + $j(current).children([EMAIL PROTECTED]).text() ); } -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Select-option-value-tp17592925s27240p17611145.html Sent from

[jQuery] Selector help needed

2008-05-28 Thread andyGr
Hi All, This is my DOM structure: tr class=child1 td class=titleCellFirst Name:/td td class=fieldCellinput class=inputbox value=John //td /tr tr class=child1 td class=titleCellMiddle Name:/td

[jQuery] Re: Selector help needed

2008-05-28 Thread andyGr
I have fixed it as $j('tr.child1 td:eq(1) input') The only question is how to select ALL inputboxes valies of tr.child1. Now it selects only the 1st tr.child. Any ideas? -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Selector-help-needed-tp17508515s27240p17510366.html Sent from the