
I have a function that uses the ajax load function to post off some
parameters and fill a div with the returned content after a db query
has been run to create it. This all works fine, however I would like
to be able to rplace the div with a loading graphic whilst the content
is generated.

I assumed this was done by placing the graphic at the start of the
function, then using a callback function to remove it and display the
actual data once it has been fully generated...

However when I trey to implement this I am getting a strange result in
that the callback fires before the content is generated. So my loading
graphic disapears and then the content appears sometimes 10 seconds

How can I ensure the call back only executes once the new content is
ready to be displayed ??

here's my code ...

function get_report()
       // Hide #report_here div and show loading graphic here ...

                // Parameters sent go here
        }, finished()

function finished()
        // Hide loading graphic and show #eport_here div here ...

Any ideas where Im going wrong ???

Many thanks

Chris P

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