Hey there-

I'm working on integrating Superfish menus and have run into an odd  
problem. It's *looking* like the deselection & hover behavior is  
predicated on all the top-level <li> elements having nested <ul>,  
which makes me think I've missed something obvious.

In an attempt to rule out any CSS silliness, I've used the sample page  
(from http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/#sample4 ) for  
my test case.

To see the issue, compare the behavior for examples > nav-bar style  
from the original sample with my test at 
  - mousing over the rightmost menu item doesn't cause the "current"  
element to be deselected.

Is there a reasonable way to get consistent results for mouseover  
behavior, regardless of whether or not a given element has a nested  


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