[jQuery] Sluggish innerfade transition in new browser versions

2009-08-09 Thread ferdjuan
I'm using jQuery 1.3.2 and the latest version of the Innerfade plugin: http://medienfreunde.com/lab/innerfade/ I'm transitioning through 8 large images (1024x368) with the fade option. With Safari 4.0.2 the transition is very sluggish, making it look like it's running about 5 fps. With Firefox

[jQuery] Passing a jquery object as a function parameter

2009-06-27 Thread ferdjuan
I had a script that was acting unexpectedly because of a function parameter. I was trying to pass a jquery object through a function to attach some events. I was wondering if someone could tell me why this didn't fly: function doStuff(theform) { theform.show(); } doStuff($('myForm')); The

[jQuery] Re: triggering multiple events

2009-06-18 Thread ferdjuan
Could you be a little more specific? Maybe with an example?

[jQuery] Re: Unresponsive Script

2009-06-18 Thread ferdjuan
That error has nothing to do with jQuery-1.3.2.js, it's one of your scripts. You're missing a semi-colon or have some unclosed quotes, or you're trying to use a function that doesn't exist. Are you using Firefox with the Firebug plugin to debug? If not, do it, it should give you a more detailed

[jQuery] There must be a better way to write this

2008-10-01 Thread ferdjuan
I'm trying to fade an element out, then fade it's next sibling out, with no predetermined amount of elements. Here is an example of how I have it now but with only 3 elements: function fadeEmOut(){ var kid = $('#folio').children(); kid.eq(0).fadeOut(function(){

[jQuery] Re: Random behavior of Safari 3 with setInterval()

2008-09-06 Thread ferdjuan
ch2450: I'm viewing the page in Safari 3.1.2 and before I closed the window I reached over 100 reloads. The file displayPosts.php is being loaded over and over, stacking on top of others and filling up memory. I've had problems with the setInterval() function myself doing some animations, and

[jQuery] Tooltip IE area map Patch

2008-05-19 Thread ferdjuan
I see there's a patch to get IE to work with tooltip and an image map area, does anyone know how to implement it? When i ran into this problem I tried using cluetip instead but I had problems with it's ajax features, and also it didn't have the iePNGfix like tooltip does, anyone use tooltip in

[jQuery] Re: Get input value from a loaded page

2008-05-18 Thread ferdjuan
Is your script which processes the $Count variable (I assume it's a page hit checker?) being included before the line: $ (#top).load(top.htmll);? If the assignment for $Count is made at the wrong time, and then you .load an html file I don't think $Count will have any value. Immediately below the

[jQuery] Re: $.post() not sending info

2008-05-18 Thread ferdjuan
If this code is verbatim I would suggest some kind of validation in your php script, with the script you have now anyone could hijack your database with an sql injection, or anything really. I suggest looking at: stripslashes(), striptags(), preg_match(), ereg(), trim(), any validation is better

[jQuery] No ajax methods working in IE7

2008-05-16 Thread ferdjuan
I wrote a simple little quick contact form using $.post, it works fine on every browser INCLUDING internet explorer 6, however 7 crashes instantly when you click submit. To test and see if it was just my script that was bad I opened http://book.learningjquery.com and went to the section on Ajax