[jQuery] Re: Image load causing page refresh

2008-11-03 Thread fshuja
Perfect! thnx a lot On Nov 3, 4:14 pm, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: hi, I am creating a plugin for my gallery. I am loading image on click of a thumnail. thumnail's rel attribute contains the url of the larger image. In my pluging i have a method to load the clicked image.

[jQuery] Image load causing page refresh

2008-11-03 Thread fshuja
hi, I am creating a plugin for my gallery. I am loading image on click of a thumnail. thumnail's rel attribute contains the url of the larger image. In my pluging i have a method to load the clicked image. LoadSelectedImage = function(){ var src = $('gallery li.on

[jQuery] Re: clueTip Flicks in FF

2008-02-25 Thread fshuja
please hlep me out. thx

[jQuery] Re: Cluetip problem

2008-02-24 Thread fshuja
i have the same problem please check in FF http://www.unirazz.com/tooltip.html the tooltip flicks. i have tried to setup the cluetip with new element but same problem. please help thnks

[jQuery] clueTip Flicks in FF

2008-02-24 Thread fshuja
i have used the clueTip pluging but tooltip flicks in FF its working ok in IE/ http://www.unirazz.com/tooltip.html i have also try to $.cluetip.setup new element and position:relevant to body but its not working. thnx

[jQuery] Dynamic Script Tag n code!!!

2008-02-22 Thread fshuja
how can i insert dynamic script tag inside the head tag like script language=javascript function test(){ alert('hello'); } /script i want to add the above code in Head dynamically and also want test method working i tried to add script tag inside the head but it does not do so rather i can add

[jQuery] Re: IE/Opera problem using ClueTip

2008-02-21 Thread fshuja
Please help me out! i have a project based on this and its delaying...

[jQuery] Is this bug in jquery???

2008-02-21 Thread fshuja
i am using jquery version 1.2.3. I was trying to attach hover on area inside map. but find that its working ok in FF but not in IE. when i try to set area onmouseover= then it works for both IE n FF. is this the bug?? If IE supports onmouseover event for area tag inside map tag then hover should

[jQuery] Re: IE/Opera problem using ClueTip

2008-02-18 Thread fshuja
thnx for ur response. Yes i have test the code by removing the onActivate and onShow functions but still the same problem. One more thing i forget to tell that the code is 100% ok on local. Sould i send u the whole code? thnks Faraz

[jQuery] Re: IE/Opera problem using ClueTip

2008-02-18 Thread fshuja
Ok i am sending u the code at ur email @englishrules.com I have IIS test server.

[jQuery] ClueTip Problem!!!

2008-02-17 Thread fshuja
i have used clueTip but facing problem in IE and Opera. In FF its perfect please check http://www.unirazz.com/tooltip.html i am loading some other file on the same folder in the tooltip. FF loads it. IE does not load the external file. Opera asks for user name password. please help me out thnx

[jQuery] IE/Opera problem using ClueTip

2008-02-16 Thread fshuja
i was using clueTip to create a tooltip like netflix. i just ClueTip's ajax based approach to load other html files in tooltip. its working perfect in FF but not in IE and asked for username/pass in Opera. please check the link http://www.unirazz.com/tooltip.html thnx

[jQuery] Position Absolute div after some element

2008-01-24 Thread fshuja
i want to show a div (position absolute) . the problem is that i want to set its x same as some elements' x + width how can i do this.

[jQuery] Using toggle show fast and hide slow!!

2008-01-19 Thread fshuja
how can i show a div slow and hide it fast using toggle? thnx

[jQuery] Re: Click event calls twices

2008-01-19 Thread fshuja
thanks a lot for the response. i dont know whats happens same code is working OK now. just after restarting the PC. :|

[jQuery] Click event calls twices

2008-01-18 Thread fshuja
hi, i am a newbie to jQuery development. i have .click method on a class. but it calls twice. i have also used return false; and e.stopPropagation(); both are not working. i have properly check the whole document and there is only one occurance of the class. i have used the same code on simple