[jQuery] Bind resize of window doesn't run when in fullscreen(opening a sidebar for example)

2008-09-25 Thread ioor
here's my code: $(document).ready(function() { $(window).bind(resize, function(){ iframesize(); }); function iframesize(){ wheight = $(window).height(); // wwidth = $(window).width(); $('iframe').height(wheight - 30); // $('iframe').width(wwidth); }; iframesize(); });

[jQuery] Show/Hide divs depending on choice made in a select box

2007-10-25 Thread ioor
I have a select box with this structure: select name=taxonomy[3] class=form-select required id=edit- taxonomy-3 option value=4OPTION1/option option value=5.OPTION2/option option value=984.-OPTION3/option option value=983-OPTION4/option option value=35OPTION5/option option