I am relatively new to jquery and have a question about the treeview
control by Jörn Zaefferer. I have done some searching about input
types for this control and have only been able to find the source.php
input using json. I am wondering if this control is open to XML or
unordered list inputs or is it just json? Do I have to use XSL and
convert the XML to json for this to work? I admit that I do not know
much about reading php and unfortunately don't have the time to

Here is what I have: I am using ASP.NET 2.0. I have an xml file that I
am converting over to a ul using recursive XSL. I display the ul on
the aspx page. I was hoping to be able and fetch the ul asynchronously
from the aspx page to an html page where I have Jörn's async control
set up but it does not seem to be working. When I copy the ul source
from the aspx page to the html page and use the basic scripting
control it works as planned. I know that I have some disconnect
between how the basic and async example work.

I know that Jörn explained how the load function will look for if
($_REQUEST['root'] == "source"): but I know that I am missing
something or perhaps have been looking at this stuff for too long. Has
anyone accomplished anything similar. Thanks in advance for the help

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