
I have to use [] in the name and the id of the inout of my form.
For example, I use this syntax:

<input id="tx_dmmjobcontrol_pi1[apply][city]" type="text"
class="textCity" name="tx_dmmjobcontrol_pi1[apply][city]" />

And in the jqurey :

   "tx_dmmjobcontrol_pi1[apply][city]": {
              required: true,

On firefox, the validation is ok.
But the script doesnt work on IE. I have an error cause of the
utilisation of ""... but if i dont use the ", the [] are causing
problems.... and i have to use them.

Is there a solution to use name and id with [ ] and to make work the
script on Internet Explorer ?

Thanks you for your help !

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