I'm trying to implement the autocomplete and everything has worked
fine up to switching from $_GET to $_POST.  The framework i'm using
does not work well with $_GET data.

I've tried the following:

1. - in jquery.autocomplete.js  I added type:"post"

2. - in my view I've added the same:
        $("#client_name").autocomplete("edit_customer/search/", {
    scroll: true,
    scrollHeight: 300,
    autoFill: true,
    cacheLength: 1,
    max: 20,
    matchContains: false,
    type: "POST",

3. - Added ajaxSetup({ type:"post" )};

None of these seem to work as I've been watching the firebug console
and it still sends as GET.  Also when I added the type="post" to
autocomplete.js it threw a couple of errors.  Only when I moved it to
my view did it seem to act o.k.

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