I am trying to use AJAX to load two external files into separate divs. I have one file loading into one div with no problem. I am thinking that if I can just repeat this action with the other url for the other external file and chain the two together so that a click on ONE link will load TWO files into seperate divs. But thati's where I'm lost...any help would be appreciated! Here's the code below(modified from some found on NetTuts):
$(document).ready(function() { $('a.details').click(function(){ var toLoad = $(this).attr('href'); $('#foo').fadeOut('fast',loadContent); $('#load').remove(); $('#foo').append('LOADING...'); $('#load').fadeIn('normal'); function loadContent() { $('#foo').load(toLoad,'',showNewContent()) } function showNewContent() { $('#foo').fadeIn('normal',hideLoader()); } function hideLoader() { $('#load').fadeOut('normal'); } return false; }); }); (p.s. is there a way to make this solution degrade gracefully so that is someone doesn't have js enabled, it would still work for them?)