This is related to the tooltip plugin -

I've written a short PHP helper that displays tooltips.  Simple
$myHelper->tooltip('text'); displays a nice icon and stores the text
to be printed out right before </body> tag.  Works as expected.

Now... the problem is that sometimes I'd like to give a tooltip a
custom class.  It's handled via extraClass option and works for me if
I hard-code it in my js file.  My solution: assign that right-before-</
body> div a custom class and read this attrib's content in .js file.
My current JS code:

        bodyHandler: function() {return $($(this).attr("href")).html();},
        delay: 0,
        showURL: false,

I tried doing this (keep in mind that I'm new to jquery and js in

        bodyHandler: function() {return $($(this).attr("href")).html();},
        extraClass: function() {return $($(this).attr("href")).attr
        delay: 0,
        showURL: false,
        showBody: " - ",

... but firebug complains:
(classNames || "").split is not a function
curCSS()()jquery.min.js (line 21)
trigger()()jquery.min.js (line 25)
nodeName()()jquery.min.js (line 20)
filter()()jquery.min.js (line 12)
trigger()()jquery.min.js (line 25)
save()hotels.js (line 29)
ready()()jquery.min.js (line 26)
trigger()()jquery.min.js (line 25)
[Break on this error] for(var value=object[0];i<length&&callba...jQuery
(jquery.min.js (line 21))

How shold my my extraClass line look like?

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