Can anyone tell me what is wrong with the following. I am new to
JQuery and I do not know if I am doing anything wrong here. I am not
just looking for an answer, I am trying to understand what is going on
here and I do not understand by looking at the existing jquery.js I
have or searching the web for jquery stuff. I realize their are Flickr
scripts to addon to JQuery, but I want to understand JQuery.

$(document).ready(function(){ //INIT Stuff
   // Your code here
      alert('Document Ready');
      var url = '
[EMAIL PROTECTED]&api_key=6470b0f7c050146a3dd9e861966092c5&format=json';
            //alert('I received the json and put it in the json var :
' + json.toString());
      //alert('nothing after this');

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