I have used jquery tabs from the website http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Tabs

I also downloaded your jquery validation script and tried to integrate
both of them. So here is the scenario. I have 3 tabs, each of them
have some text boxes as part of a form and all those text boxes need
to be filled.

I have a submit button either at the 3rd tab or right at the bottom of
all the tabs. Normally with the validation script, when I hit the
submit button it shows in red which boxes aren't filled. But here
because of the tabs, the submit button does nothing in the
foreground ... that is it doesn't go to the tab where the boxes are
missing the conditions. It just stays at the same tab. But of course
it doesn't submit the form so technically it works.

Is there any way to make it go to the tab which is missing the
conditions in the text boxes?

Thanks in advance!

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