one issue to add :)

I want the message text in the div inputbottom-text, but also on error
update or replace the inputrightdiv with inputrightdiv-valid , as this
class has my green tick.
Is it possible to alter a div class on error, but place error text
into another div?

thanks again for any help.

On Dec 23, 6:34 pm, "" <> wrote:
> Hi Guys
> I am trying to get validate to work, but I am soo close and yet soo
> far!
> I think the problem is the selector and way i append the error or
> valid classes to the label, or specify the element for errors?
> Can anyone see the mismatch or problem?
> HTML example...
> [code]<div class="namediv">Company Name:</div>
>                         <div class="textdiv">
>                                 <div class="inputdiv"><input 
> name="CompanyName" id="CompanyName"
> type="text"  class="input-text"/ value="<?if(isset($this->company_name)){ 
> echo $this->company_name;};?>"></div>
>                                 <div class="inputrightdiv" 
> id="img_CompanyName"></div>
>                         </div>
>                         <div class="inputbottom-text" 
> id="error_CompanyName"><?php echo
> $this->error_array['company_name']; ?></div>
>          [/code]
> where the inputrightdiv is what holds my todo image,
> then i want it replaced with inputrightdiv-valid which shows my nice
> green tick image!
> Jquery Validation initialization( i have taken out extra options for
> simplicity )...
> [code]
> <script>
> $(document).ready(function() {
>         // validate signup form on keyup and submit
>         var validator = $("#recruiter_signup").validate({
>                 rules: {
>                         CompanyName: "required"
>                 },
>                 messages: {
>                         CompanyName: "Please ensure you have entered your 
> company name."
>                 },
>                 // the errorPlacement has to take the table layout into 
> account
>                 errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
>                         error.appendTo(element.parent().parent());
>                 },
>                 // Set Error Element
>                 errorElement: "div.inputrightdiv",
>                 // Focus in textbox
>                 focusInvalid: false,    // show all form error at a time
>                 // Set Error Class
>                 //errorClass: "error",
>                 errorClass:"inputrightdiv-error",
>                 // specifying a submitHandler prevents the default submit, 
> good for
> the demo
>                 submitHandler: function() {
>                         alert("submitted!");
>                 },
>                 // set this class to error-labels to indicate valid fields
>                 success: function(label) {
>                          label.addClass('inputrightdiv-valid');
>                 }
>         });});
> </script>[/code]
> thanks for any tips or eagle eyes :)

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