[jQuery] Re: Looking for some help converting this to jquery

2009-07-23 Thread sleepwalker
Thanks Rob I like your approach and learned a lot. This is why I like to post code to see how others attack the same issue. I would still like to see how someone would code this using the jquery syntax rather then the standard javascript way, so if anyone wants to give it a go please do. All us

[jQuery] Re: Looking for some help converting this to jquery

2009-07-23 Thread sleepwalker
Eric you rock that's what I'm talking about!! Beautiful code man thanks so much. Learning is fun. Daniel

[jQuery] Looking for some help converting this to jquery

2009-07-22 Thread sleepwalker
Hi, I have a old script that adds a class to a button/submit/reset based on the length of its value and I'd like to convert it to jquery. I'm just looking for any suggestions on the best way to rewrite it. Thanks in advance for any help function setbuttonclass() {

[jQuery] data-URLs for IE workaround

2009-03-26 Thread sleepwalker
Hi, Does anyone have a work around the lack of support for data-URLs in IE. I've seen some crazy php scripts using mhtml + vml but php isn't supported in the environment I'm working in. Thanks for your Help. Daniel

[jQuery] Workaround for data-URLs (data:image/jpeg;base64) in IE

2009-03-26 Thread sleepwalker
Hi, Does anyone have a work around the lack of support for data-URLs (data:image/jpeg;base64) in IE. I've seen some crazy php scripts using mhtml + vml but php isn't supported in the environment I'm working in. Thanks for your Help. Daniel

[jQuery] Is anyone making a Canvas-photo jquery version/plugin (cool stuff)

2009-03-24 Thread sleepwalker
Hey, I just saw this cool project called Canvas-photo and I was wondering if anyone was working on a jquery version (plugin)? Thanks Daniel http://code.google.com/p/canvas-photo/ [code] http://www.ernestdelgado.com/public-tests/canvasphoto/demo/canvas.html [demo]

[jQuery] Re: With IE8 out, how do you test for IE6?

2009-03-23 Thread sleepwalker
Download IETester http://www.my-debugbar.com/wiki/IETester/HomePage and you can test 5.5 through 8. I use this daily, works great.

[jQuery] Find a exact location in the dom, then move down from that location to another element

2008-04-10 Thread sleepwalker
Is there a way in jquery to find your exact location in the dom and then move down from that location to another element? For example can I get the value of a input[text].someClass after changing it and write that change only to the next td.someOtherClass in the dom without using an id?

[jQuery] Need help with clearing .children

2007-05-09 Thread sleepwalker
Hey, I'm new to all this and I just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. What I'm trying to do is clear the value for all the text input values within a div but as soon as I add the input boxes to a table it stops working. Any help would be amazing. Thx div a href=javascript:; onclick=$